31 January 2008

A Crossing of Paths

Per my post from yesterday...I am elated to relate the following story.

A detail that I left out of my tail of the saint in the mini-van was that there was a sticker on her side window with website on it. http://www.hamlady.com. Well, when I did get to work, I looked up the website. And, sure enough it was a local business that sells ham, soups, etc for school or organizational fundraisers. Pretty neat. There was a link to an email address...so, naturally, I sent them an email in an attempt to thank that wonderful woman.

Well, this afternoon while I was at work, I received a response. And, who was that woman? She was the owner of this local business. And, she remembered the whole thing. How cool is that?

Even better is this...she said that it wasn't her that was trying to inspire me. She was trying to let me know that I had just inspired her! Apparently she had a couple of long evening working some sort of a convention, then had to take all her stuff down and move it to the Crowne Plaza where she would be spending her Saturday at yet another convention. She was tired, a little bummed out about her Saturday, and wasn't really feeling it that day.

According to her email (and Bless her for that response), she saw me on my bike, battling the snow, the cold, and slippery roads and thought "if that guy can be out here riding his bike, I can sure go spend the day at a convention!"

So, she emailed me today to thank me for the inspiration! How awesome is that...we needed each other at that moment Saturday morning. I needed a kick in the pants, and she needed a little inspiration. And, we got it from each other without knowing that we had done anything to help...

Every once in a while...well...you know?