Haven't eaten much since Saturday night. Ate almost nothing on Sunday...a biscuit for breakfast, shared a bag of snack mix with Spooner on the plane, and had some subway on Sunday night.
No breafast, no lunch on Monday...went out to dinner with family on Monday evening to Carrabas (a place where I can generally be counted upon to stuff myself!) and ate almost nothing. Half a bowl of soup and some bread. Brought my pasta home.
Still not hungry today...no food yet. I figure I've eaten about 1000 calories since Sunday morning. That is a trend that is distinctly in contrast to my normal, glutonous, habits.
Plus, I just feel weird. Not too sore. Not too stiff. More like sad, I guess. My head was really loopy all day yesterday. Felt like I had a bad case of medicine head. Sort of a slow motion type of a day.
Today is similar. My head feels clearer, but hardly clear. I'm still feeling sort of lost. I'll probably feel better after the ride tonight...I need to get some cool air in my lungs, get some miles in my legs, and try to clear my head.
I'm not whining, mind you. Or, at least, I'm not trying to...you may disagree. I suppose I'm just not sure what to do. I have the day off. Karin and the kids are gone. I have the house to myself. Sounds like a great time for a nap...but, I'm not tired. Not hungry. And, not the least bit motivated to do anything.
I need to ride tonight!