03 September 2008

Google Chrome

So I've been giving Google's new browser a try for the past few days.  And, after a short trial period, I think I can say that I like it.

It's not perfect.  There are still some little tweaks that need to be made...a few bugs to work out.  But, it is still just a beta version...so, it's not going to be perfect.

It does take some getting used to in so far as it operates on a slightly different plan that Firefox or IE8.  Seems like more of the functions are integrated and it just figures out what you want.  To me, I'm used to looking for a different button for every function within a browser.  This one seems to combine a lot of the functions in to a just a few minimal buttons.  It's interesting...and a bit different.  Give it a try.  It's available here.