08 October 2008

Need some help

I really need some help...Karin was installing the MS Vista SP1 update on her computer when it failed to reboot.  Now the computer will no longer boot in to the operating system.  And, therefore, is useless.

I've now spent two evenings on the phone with MS technical support...and, they have been awesome.  They've really tried just about EVERYTHING to get this thing up and running.  But, we are just plain out of options.  What I really need is a copy of the operating system so that we can replace some of the files that were corrupted.

Unfortunately, neither mine nor Karin's notebook came with a copy of Vista on DVD.  All we have is "restoration" cds...not the actual operating system.  If I had a copy of the DVD, they could have the whole thing fixed in about 15 minutes.  But, I don't.  Bleh.

I called the computer manufacturer to get them to send me a copy of the OEM Vista DVD...but, they were less than helpful.  So, now I've called MS again.  And, they have been exceedingly helpful right up to the point where I ask them to send me a copy of the OS on DVD.  That, they will not do.  Anything else, they are very willing to help me out with...bummer.

They gave me specific permission to borrow the DVD from a friend...for this circumstance it won't matter, apparently, whether it is actually my DVD.  So...if anyone out there is reading this note, please let me know if you've got that OS on DVD.  I'd only need to borrow it for an afternoon to let MS finish fixing the computer they broke.

Anyone?  Bueller?


John said...

Sorry Ross and Karin, I'm running Windows XP and a Mac.

Anonymous said...


I sent you an email regarding this issue. Read it and let me know if I can help.


MC said...

I can't believe that neither Katie C or Did have weighed in here as yet!

What's the point of havin' computer wonks on your Team if they can't ride outta the sunset to your rescue when you need a...er....whateverinthehell it is that you need!?
