03 May 2008

Ride for an hour, clean for two?

I'm normally all about cleaning things. I mean, detailing my car was always a favorite hobby. But, I have to say that I don't share the same love of detailing my bike.

This may be for a couple of reasons.

1. I don't really know what I'm doing. I feel like I have a reasonably good grasp of how to clean my chain apply chain lube. But, anything else...I just wipe it down with a damp towel and call it good. Unfortunately, that probably isn't enough. But, I don't really know what else I should be cleaning, how to clean it, or what tools I would need to clean it.

2. It feels like I have to clean my bike ALL THE TIME. Every time I bring it to see Ted at VCC (Hi John Jasker!), he asks how often I'm cleaning one part or another. My answer, of course, is..."I don't know". But, of course, I do know. Never. I never clean that part. So, I inevitably leave feeling guilty about the fact that I don't keep up on my cleaning the way I should.

Yesterday I rode home from work right after the storms went through. So, the roads were VERY wet with plenty of sizeable puddles. Plus, it rained one me for the first 3 miles or so...obviously I got wet. And, my bike got trashed.

It's amazing how little time it takes on wet roads for a bike to go from cleanish to completely wrecked. I just spent the better part of an hour cleaning the chain on my Volpe...and HOUR...and my bike still looks like I dragged it through a muck field.

My r5 needed a little lube on the chain...it was squeeking a lot on Thursday morning. So, I wiped it down. Cleaned it with a little soap-n-water. Wiped it dry. Then applied some lube. Took maybe 15 minutes and the chain looks like new. When I was done I looked at the Volpe and just sighed. It needed work too.

So, I took the Volpe down and started cleaning. An hour later I quit cleaning...not because I was done, but because I was bored. I could have cleaned all night and it still wouldn't have been done. Lame.

I had a friend, once, who used to own racing motorcycles. A couple of them were very special, very unique bikes that were basically for show purposes only. He would ride them...but, not often. They spent most of their time at bike shows. On the rare ocassion when he would ride the bike he would bring it back to his shop when he was done to clean it. He was constantly lamenting how much time he spent cleaning the bike...repeating his mantra over and over again. "Ride for an hour. Clean for two."

That's how I feel.

Maybe I just need to get a lot more effecient. Maybe I need better tools. Maybe I'm just wasting my time. I'm just tired of cleaning!


Tedbentley said...

Mister Ross contact me through my email. I have something to discuss about a fund raising event subject golf.

Tedbentley said...

I did not read your post yesterday and still posted a comment. Today I read and say don't worry wipe your bike down with a dry rag is great. Commuting by bike puts a lot of dirt in places that wouldn't be there if you only rode your bike in good weather.

When you see build up of clumps of dirt then wipe them off. Don't stress it's a bike.

Do you clean your golf clubs?

I know a guy that really gets a kick out of cleaning your bike!

Tedbentley said...

John Jasker have you heard of him?
Really I enjoy when you come in and let me make love to the steel.
I'm a perv
That creep can clean mann!

MC said...

Here are my two admittingly conflicting thoughta about bike cleaning:

#1 is a quote from Steve "Gravy" Gravenites.....pro wrench for C-Dale and GT among others. "Cleaning your bike is like cleaning your toilet - do it often enough and it's not so bad.....wait too long and it's disgusting!"

#2 is my personal theory.....that excessive cleaning of bikes is the #1 cause of frame failure. Here is my evidence - in my near-30 years of bike shop experience I've seen mebbe 20 busted frames. In at least 90% of those cases the bike's owner has come into the shop, all downcast and sad, and said some variation of "I was cleaning off my bike and found a crack".

I rest my case! No cleaning...no crack!

(A cursory inspection of ANY of my bikes will reveal which theory I chose in practice. None of my bikes are gonna crack @ this rate!)

Just my 2 cents worth.....hell you can have it for free!