11 February 2008

A study of wimptitude

I just couldn’t talk myself in to riding to work this morning. Does that make me a wimp?

Look…all the schools were canceled. The roads looked like they were a disaster. Plus, it was unusually cold…even for Michigan. I’m not sure how the wind will feel on my face if I trucking along down a hill at 20mph and it is -4 outside. Seems to me that I might freeze my face off, even with the balaclava.

It’s not like I was short on excuses not to ride this morning. But, I wasn’t too worried about the snow or keeping the bike upright. Seemed like conditions were pretty rideable in that regard. It’s the fear of how the cars will be handling that really keeps me off the road. I’m confident I can stop at a stoplight. I’m not confident that the guy behind me can do the same without killing me.

Sadly, though, I still feel guilty today. Should I feel guilty about missing a day? Especially an ugly one?

About two weeks ago I posted up that I am doing a weight loss contest with some friends. And, that there shouldn’t be any excuses to miss a workout now. Yet, I bailed out this morning.

Maybe I just needed a day off…yeah, that’s it. I needed to rest my legs for a day. It’s a training thing…yeah…a training thing.

Actually, it’s a wuss thing. I better go for a run this evening. I’m such a wimp.