09 March 2008

Daylight Saving Time

Hey...there is no S at the end of saving in "Daylight Saving Time". Just wanted to make everyone knows that. Annoying aren't I? Oh well...if I have to annoy some people in order to get people to say it correctly, I'm OK with that.

Anyway...it's 7:30AM and it's still dark outside. This stinks!

I'm sure I'll feel better about the whole situation when it stay lighter longer this evening. But, still...the time I really want the light is on my ride to work in the morning. And, I just lost an hour of it last night.

Plus, I lost an hour of sleep. Something I can't generally afford to give away all willy-nilly. I like my hours of sleep...they don't come in big enough batches for me. So, as a rule, I dislike losing any of it.

Nonetheless, DST has happened and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm sure I'll feel better when it stays light (read warmer) longer during the Pineapple-Bob ride this afternoon.

In the mean time...I feel like I need a flashlight. Man it's dark!