16 March 2008

From the road, and a new store

I haven't posted in a while. It's been tough to find the time or energy to do much of anything this week. The new store looks great, the staff is awesome, and they are BUSY. So, it's been 12-15 hour days the whole week...and, to be honest, when I finally got some dinner and got back to the hotel room I just didn't feel like blogging.

So, I'm just posting up a quick note while I am thinking about it. I've got about a 10 minute break for lunch going...and, I was able to borrow an internet signal from the Staples next door. Thus, a quick post.

I fly back home tomorrow...and, I'm looking forward to getting home. It's been a long couple weeks. I want to get home and get some rest. I was talking with the GSM at this store today and I may be able to slide out of here a little bit early this afternoon. Originally I was planning to stay all the way until the close of business. But, if it slows down a bit I might try to go to Antietam National Battlefield. From what I hear, it is an awesome experience. I'm not sure when I'll be this close to it again...so, I thought I might give it a chance. If we're too busy I'll stay at the store of course. But, it might be nice to try and see something locally (other than highways) before I leave.

I've had zero time to run this week. And, obviously, I haven't been on the bike. I haven't eaten well at all. So, I'm pretty sure this has not been a good week for my diet. When I get home I'm going to have to do something pretty dramatic from a training point of view. I need to get some running/riding done ASAP.

Next post should be from home.