19 March 2008

Training Blog

In the interests of making myself a bit more accountable for my training goals I've decided to make my trianing a matter of public record. I've added a link on the right hand side of my blog that will take any interested parties to my training blog on www.mapmytri.com.

Here is the official link:

My plan, at the moment, is to try to get back to two-a-day workouts. On days that I commute to work via bike...I am going to count the trip there and the trip home as two workouts. But, I'm hoping to get in a couple runs and, once it gets warmer, a couple swims per week in addition to any cycling I do.

Since I have done very minimal running and swimming in the past couple months, I am going to be struggling a bit on those two disciplines. I decided, yesterday, that I should go out and do a field test for my LT (Lactate threshold) on the run. What I found was interesting.

First, I am massively slower than I was in the fall. Which, I guess, is not a major surprise. With as little running as I have been doing, I wasn't really expecting to maintain my fitness. But, I was surprised at how much slower I actually was. It was significant.

Second...based on my lower fitness level on the run, and the slower speed, I was extremely surprised at where my HR (heart rate) averaged for the run. It turned out that my LT was at or even a beat or two higher than it had been in the fall. But, the speed at which I run at that HR was much slower. That was surprising to me. I thought that my HR would be a lot lower and that I would be slower because I wouldn't be able to tolerate the elevated HR for as long a period of time. But, it turned out to be nearly the opposite. Interesting!

Anyway...I was feeling a bit depressed about the situation yesterday. I was done with the run and looked at the numbers. Wow. I'm slower than normal...and normally...I'm SLOW. So, that wasn't exactly inspiring confidence. However, after my run today I feel a bit better. I went out and did about 5.5 miles at a slowish (but comfortable) pace. I didn't set any land-speed records. But, I did the run comfortably and felt great at the end. None of the lay-down-and-die feeling that I'd had at the end of the Time Trial yesterday.

I didn't have time to get out on the bike yesterday. But, I'm definitely going to get out on the bike this afternoon. I'm really excited to ride the new bike again...CAAD9-5 = fast!

Depending on how my legs feel this afternoon, I may try to do a LT field test on the bike. I need to know where my HR zones are before Fisk Knob (March 30th). If my legs aren't feeling it...I'll just try to do a basic ride...maybe an hour.

Another factor in making my training public is that I will make my weight a part of each blog. Thus, I will be making my weight a matter of public record. www.fatcyclist.com made this method work to his advantage as well...thus, I'm trying it for myself. The plan is that I will make my weight a potential target for public ridicule. Thus, I'm more likely to remain accountable for losing weight. And, I need to lose some weight!


The Cruise Director said...

So how much do you weigh dude?

ceningolmo said...

Did it not show up on the training log? It should be visible on either the workout log or the daily log.

The Cruise Director said...

You are assuming that I actually made the effort to look at your training log. I did not because it seemed like soooo much work. It was much easier to just ask!

MC said...

You left too soon on Tuesday! I had a schweet hook-up for you.

Is it still in effect....? Who knows!

M (we'll just hafta) C