22 April 2008

On the topic of wasted weather

Hey! You! Yeah...you! You know who I'm talking about.

If you haven't been outside this last week, you're wasting beautiful weather. If you're not planning to do something, anything, outside in the next couple days...you are wasting great weather.

Look. We have a limited number of days like this in Michigan. You understand this, right?

I love having four seasons, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. But, you have to understand the situation. We go from cold...brutal cold...in the winter. To hot...maybe not brutal, but definitely hot and humid...in the summer. And, that space in between the two is fleetingly short, wonderfully unpredictable, and occasionally temperate. Thus, when these few days per year come along...you know the ones...when it is 70-74 degrees outside, when the sun is shining and we have no real cloud cover, and there is little wind and no rain, you simply must take advantage of them. If you don't, it is a sort of blasphemy against the rest of the people who live in this beautiful state with you.

So, if you're indoors reading this blog (unless you're stuck at work and this is how you are killing your lunch hour), you should shut off your computer and go outside. Get on your bike. Go for a run. Go for a walk. Hell, go for a crawl. Play some golf. Play some tennis. Play...something, anything. Take your kids to the park. Take your kids to the ice cream shop. Take your kids around the block. Go outside and do some yard work if you must...but, for the love of all that is wonderful in this world...GO OUTSIDE!

I'm exceptionally happy to report that I've seen more idiots on bikes in the last week than I saw all last year. On my way to work yesterday morning I must have seen 10 other people commuting to work via bike (and, I'm talking about more than just that random guy on the $5 garage sale bike riding on the sidewalk or riding the wrong direction on the road). Looks like lots of people are feeling good about the weather, bad about gas prices, good about saving an owl, good about their fitness or bad about their weight, and have taken to a two wheeled version of their morning ride to work. I'm always happy to report such a trend for a couple of reasons...first; more cyclists on the road generally means that cars will be more aware of our presence. Second; more cyclists on the road means I have more opportunities to shout "good mornin'" at other cyclists. I love that!

Went for a ride this morning...and it was inspiring. Four of us went out to enjoy sunshine, mild winds, clear skies, fresh air, conversational exercise, and camaraderie. Myself, of course, and MC, Da'Ve, and Jeff participated...and it was great. I couldn't be happier...we managed to keep a pace that would have nearly killed me last year. 23ish miles of conversational riding...Da'Ve' and MC looked like they were out for a Sunday stroll as usual. I was doing well with the exception of a couple pulls at the front while heading in to the wind. Jeff struggled a bit...after along lay off he's working hard to get his fitness back to where it was. Based on how long it's been since he's done any significant riding, I was pretty impressed that he was able to do the pace we did. It wasn't super fast...but, it was a hell of a lot faster than I could have done if I'd taken as much time off as he has.

Now, I'm looking outside and wondering what else I should do...it felt so good to go out and ride that I want to go again. But, I want to share it with someone. I'd love to go ride with Karin, but she is busy doing the day care thing and won't be available for a ride until later this afternoon/evening. I need to work tonight, so I won't have too much time for an evening ride and I'm forced to skip the Tuesday Night Ride. So, if I'm going to avoid wasting this beautiful day I fee like I need to go and do something this afternoon.

Maybe I'll go for another ride by myself, then go for a ride with Karin this afternoon/evening? Got to do something...look at all that sunshine!


Tedbentley said...

How did you know that I was at lunch reading your blog? Your freaking me out!

MC said...

How come this Jeff that you speak of remains w/out a nickname? What can this mean? Is it that he is not really a part of the gang? Could it be that he's too tough and scary to risk "nick-naming"? Why didn't "Pineapple J" stick? Is there no Elvish word for "44cm"?

For the record...I don't read your blog @ lunch, since that would require taking a computer w/ me to the brewpub, thus decsending to as-yet-unheard levels of dorkitude. I just read it whenever I'm on hold w/ the guy that called to offer my business up to 100K in a no-risk loan.

That gives me plenty of time.