31 March 2008

Fisk Knob...an ode to agony

You may have noticed that it was a bit breezy yesterday. And, to some extent, that had to do with the weather. You know...cold fronts, warm fronts, clouds and moving air.

However, I would like to assure you that some of that wind you felt had nothing to do with Mother Nature. I contributed to that cool breeze in at least two significant ways...

1. I'm slow. I suck. In fact, I sucked so hard that people in other states felt the breeze of my suckdom. I have godlike sucktitude. If suck were speed...I'd have won. But, I didn't. Because I suck.

2. The wind you felt may have had some contribution from the massively heavy breathing I was doing. I was gasping for breath like you wouldn't believe. I honestly tried to push myself hard...but, I wasn't really ready for that last two miles of hills. That was hard. Really hard. A couple of guys passed me going REALLY fast...but, even then looked at me as though they should stop and help me. I must have sounded pretty bad.

The race was painful to put it mildly. For me it was nearly an hour long...which is too long, in my opinion. I should have been...probably could have been... much faster. The thing is...that hour was all out. I think I might have let myself get a bit comfortable in the middle of the race for maybe a mile. But, for the most part, I was right at the edge of my upper limits for the whole race.

I think I made a couple mistakes.

1. I should have put the aero-bars on my bike. I didn't do it for a couple reasons. But, they were lame reasons and I should have just done it. It might have saved me a few minutes.

2. I started off too fast. Though, it wasn't a newbie mistake type of fast start. It was calculated...I intentionally pushed myself past my sustainable HR for the first couple miles. My thinking was that the first few miles were primarily down hill. My weight (relative to other riders) gives me a substantial advantage in momentum on the downhills. Therefore, I was seeking to maximize my advantage. In short, I wanted to get as much out of the downhill as possible...knowing that the return trip was likely to hurt me badly. Well, I was right about the return trip. My legs had nothing left during that last two miles. And, I blame that on my strategy of going hard at the beginning.

3. I was a bit too comfortable during the middle stretch of the race. I hurt myself badly during the beginning so that I could maximize my speed on the downhill stretches. And, I hurt myself badly on the return trip to the finish line. Somewhere in the middle, though, I stopped punishing myself. I should have...could have...kept my pace higher for miles 7-11. That was a bit disappointing.

I'll do better next year. My goal is to beat John Jasker...why? I don't know. Seems like the right thing to do. See you next year John!


Anonymous said...

You can have Jasker. I for one am going after Jamal. At least you had me sucking up all of the gravel off the road before you went. This was definitely a learning experience for many of us, hopefully we paid attention to what we were supposed to learn. Good job by the way Ross.

The Cruise Director said...

It seemed to me like you rocked the race! Just a little FYI, Lance you know who always attacked on the hardest parts of a course because there was always more time to be made up in those sections. His thought was the easy sections are easy for everyone so he would hammer them on the harder ones. My point being you should relax in the downwind, downhill sections and hammer in the uphill in to the wind sections.

Anonymous said...

"Godlike sucktitude"??? Ross I nearly had to call the paramedics when I read this I was laughing so hard. As for next year, bring it on, young whippersnapper!

MC said...

Well now..........lookee here @ all this commentary! I had lunch /w JD yesterday and he was talkin' about how he "didn't want me to list his results where anyone could see them"! Whatta buncha shit! Sure...JD wishes he coulda gone faster, so does JJ amd A-ron and Mr "God-like Suckitude" here. Me too, needless to say.

Still......we were there. We were racing. In the cold, in the wind, on the hills......we were racing and roughly 99.67854% of West Michigan residents were not. While we were pushing ourselves - they were on the couch. While we were blowin' chunks - they were watchin' basketball. While we were sweatin', hurtin' and swearing - they were @ Target or Lowes or Wal-Mart.
The way I see it we were out there doin' our best and that kicks ass in several hard-to-quantify-but-obvious-and-actual-ways.

(Except for Jamal.....he's a punk)

So.....let's keep the whining and mea culpas to a minimum and remember that in the Big Picture......we f%^$kin' ROCK!

(Again.....Jamal? Not so much)

Hey JJ - What's the point of being "anonymous" if you're gonna sign your name?

By the way...I'v decided to retire from competition for ought-eight and call it a season. It's the only way I'll have a chance - EVER - to go undefeated for a whole year!

M to the C

ceningolmo said...

Wow...lots of running commentary on this post.

Aaron...I think you can own Jamal next year. Especially because I'm planning to have a "fan" shove a stick through his spokes at the bottom of the first hill next year.

Jeff...I'm loathe disagree with any strategy that works for Lance. Rumor has it that he's pretty good on a bike. But, he's also skinny and strong. I, on the other hand, am fat and weak. So, I thought I should take advantage of gravity when it was work for me.

Jasker...I have a sneaking suspicion that no matter how hard I train, you'll always be a couple minutes faster than me. But, that won't stop me from trying to catch you. In fact, in order to make myself feel better...I'm planning to sprint ahead of you at the end of all the Tuesday night group rides this summer. You'll be chatting and having fun and not paying any attention to me because its not a race. But, I'm still going to sprint ahead of you...it won't mean anything. But, I'll tell myself that I beat you...so, I must rock!

MC... you should have saved all that and just made a new post in your blog!

As usual, you're right. We should be patting each other on the backs for making the effort.

A guy once told me...personal suckage > dead "F" last > did not finish > did not start.

I guess I'm working my way up the list!

MC said...

"Blah Blah Blah..."

Who sez I didn't "save it for my Blog?"

(Wow...is this what we've been reduced to? Talkin' about Blogs on Blogs?!??!!?)

Whay say we all go for a ride and shut up?

(Not you Jamal!)